61.16 Acre Walnut & Prune Orchard



This property borders the west side of South George Washington Blvd in Yuba City, California.


The property is made up of 2 parcels which total 61.16 assessed acres, more or less. The parcels are described as Sutter County Assessor’s Parcel #’s: 23-260-197 & 23-260-198.


The zoning for this property is Agriculture.


The entire property is planted to an orchard. Approximately 49 acres consists of a French Prune orchard planted in 1994 with various ages of interplanted trees. The prune orchard is planted on an 18 X 18 foot spacing. Approximately 12 acres consists of a Tulare Walnut orchard with Chandler pollinizers planted in 1996. Spacing is set on the walnut orchard at 30 X 30 feet.


The soils on this ranch are beautiful and well suited for orchard production. All soils are shown to be Class 1 and Class 2 soils according to the USDA soil survey maps.


The orchard is irrigated by one agricultural well. The pump is a new U.S. Motors 25 hp turbine pump. Water is delivered to each tree by micro sprinklers which were installed as a new system within the last few years.


This property has an excellent location and great soils and will move fast.

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