66.54± Total Acres – High Yielding Princeton Rice FarmColusa County, CA

For the first time in over 70 years this high yielding Princeton rice farm is being offered for sale.  The property has a long-standing history of high-quality rice production in the highest yielding county for rice production in California.

Listing Price $930,000


For the first time in over 70 years this high yielding Princeton rice farm is being offered for sale.  The property has a long-standing history of high-quality rice production in the highest yielding county for rice production in California.  In addition, throughout the years, this property has offered income from waterfowl hunting and sporting enjoyment for the owners.  Rice is a food commodity that will continue to be a world staple.  Don’t miss the opportunity to invest in this high-quality farm asset.


The property is made up of 2 parcels which total 66.54 assessed acres and are further described as Colusa County APN #’s:
012-080-017 – 46.54 assessed acres +/-
012-110-003 – 20.00 assessed acres +/-


This property is located two miles to the west of the little town or Princeton, California.  The property can be easily accessed by turning south on Boggs Road from Norman Road and traveling one mile to the northeast corner of the property.


The zoning for this property is Agriculture.  The property is not enrolled in the Williamson Act.


The property has a long history of operating as a high yielding rice farm.  USDA records show that there are 58.31 acres of crop land and 55.7 acres of rice base.  The yields on this farm are excellent and are described below:

2023 – 98 sacks per acre
2022 – Preventative Plant
2021 – 99 sacks per acre
2020 – 87 sacks per acre
2019 – 94 sacks per acre

The property will be sold free of all leases at the close of escrow.


The soils on this ranch are 100% described as Willows Silty Clay and are perfectly conducive for high yield rice production.  (See included soil map)


The property is located within the boundaries of and receives its water delivery from the Princeton-Codora-Glenn Irrigation District (PCGID), which was formed in 1916.  This district services approximately 11,700 acres of land and 125 landowners.  The PCGID holds water rights on the Sacramento River which are senior to those of the Central Valley Project.  The district executed a water rights Settlement Contract with the United States in 1964.  The contract quantifies PCGID’s water rights water (Base Supply) at 52,810-acre feet.  The cost of water to grow rice in 2024 was $160 per acre.

Mineral Rights:

Any mineral rights owned by the Seller will transfer to the new Buyer in a sale.

Want to talk with an Agent about the property?

Lead Form

Josh Cook

Josh Cook

(530) 300-5294

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